Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Midterm Change

    This past week has really been a wake-up call for me in terms of my midterm grades.  There are some classes that I feel I really excel in, and these classes I really enjoy.  However, there are some classes that I feel need extra time put in that is necessary for the second half of the semester.  I think that I have finally settled in and gotten a grip on what is necessary for me to do my best.  I also have changed my study habits and strategies, so hopefully my newly found confidence will help me make some changes happen over the course of the next few weeks.  I am glad that midterm week came, because this was necessary for me to assess myself, and make changes where needed.  I feel that I was very overwhelmed with work this first half, and didn’t always take the most time doing the most important things.  This will change, and I am looking forward to the challenge of doing better in the areas I feel I need to.  I also have set a small list of short-term goals, and this approach has me feeling less overwhelmed because I feel as though I accomplish something each day, rather than feeling like a goal is out of reach.  This approach seems to be working, and I already feel as though I am getting back on track once again. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Out of My Element

     Today I decided would be a good day to try out the whole idea of "trying something different”.  It was actually not as bad as I thought it would be.  My math class is a struggle as it seems for most students in my class, and as a whole we all aren’t successfully retaining all of the material being taught to us at the best of our ability.  Therefore, we all decided that today would be a good day to go to the Adante center and review together.  I had seen other students in my class do this before, but never really felt it be my place to just show up. However, after I realized that we all struggled through the midterm, I felt that we all are in the same boat, and that it couldn’t hurt to take a chance.  I found the experience extremely rewarding, and saw that it was better to ask a question to somebody who at one point was just as confused as me.  I also saw that a lot of us had the same questions. I was glad that I went, because not only did I benefit in reviewing for my test tomorrow, I also got to know some other kids in my class better as well, and learned a lot more about them.  I would definitely go again, and we think that Monday is the best day for us all to meet, and hopefully we will all be able to do better in the future because we all work together. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Grade Inflation, self inflation

     The articles that we were expected to read this week I felt were very informative.  I know that as students we think a lot of times that if we simply show up to class that we deserve credit.  However, I am coming to understand that there is a lot more that it expected of you, and over even the past week have seen that I should expect more of myself.  The articles explained that our generation is narcissistic, and that we all think that we are so good that we stop losing sight of the things that really are important, such as putting the time in and getting the grades.  These articles I’m glad that I read, because over the first part of this semester I really had been struggling, and I had become so used to getting credit for the simple things, and didn’t realize that especially in college, that you have to push yourself because those “simple things” are expected, not rewarded.  I don’t necessarily agree with the point made in the article that employers may not even blink at an application for a student that has a 4.0 because their grade is likely inflated.  This in one respect I do agree that employers should want hard-workers, but in the other I don’t think that a smart person shouldn’t be considered for doing well.  The whole idea behind grade-inflation I think should be diminished, students should get their own grades and not be reliant on someone ALWAYS helping them out, I have recently seen this for myself, and over the next few weeks am hoping to get myself back on the right track because I know that  bigger things are expected of me, and that with the right attitude I will be able to set things straight again. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Great Mentor

     Having Kaitlyn as our peer mentor has been a great experience, especially since it is our first year on the campus.  It is really helpful having someone as resourceful as her around and ready with any questions we have.  She makes the beginning of class on Thursdays a lot less stressful, and it is really handy to have someone who has shared our experience before to turn to when things get stressful. I also find that she is also made things seem so much better for us through her optimism. There are many assignments that have come our way that have made many of us ready for an anxiety attack, but Kaitlyn really turns our day back around when she explains the meaning of the assignments in a more understanding way.  I find it extremely helpful that she is always up to date on events going on at the campus, as well as where things are located.  I feel very fortunate to have had such a great mentor and couldn’t do enough to thank her for the time she has put in with us,

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Major

     The major that I chose was exercise science.  There is a very interesting story behind how I came to choose this major.  During my junior year, my mother pressured me into starting to look for a direction for my future, and I definitely agreed.  This was the time that I began thinking about my own personal strengths and weaknesses and what types of things I enjoyed doing.  At the same time as this was happening I began going to open houses for college, and immediately at Southern the program struck me.  I knew that originally I didn’t want a desk job, I wanted something active, and therefore this major was the right fit for me.  Also, Professor Gary Morin was extremely knowledgeable and even allowed me to shadow him this past fall in his program.  This really impressed me and I really enjoyed taking part in researching the major before I just decided to do it.  I now feel the same way  I did as when I first found out about the major,  in that it is a lot of hard work, but fun, and fits who I am best.     

A Good Blog is...

    There are several elements that I feel make up a “good” blog post.  For one, I feel as if the language flows correctly, and sounds as if the time has been put in, the blog will be more captivating to read.  Also, the extra use of quotes I have seen has made a big difference in the quality of the blogs that I have viewed.  After discussing different blogs this week my view has definitely changed about how different blogs can be, yet interesting and sufficient.  One other element that I find crucial to a good blog post would be unique ideas that make each person’s blog different.  This is probably one of the most important parts of a blog because each person has their own ideas and it makes blogging more creative.  The other part of blogging that makes a difference to me is having a well thought-out topic.  This is important because when the ideas are there, the blog becomes more interesting to read.