Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Midterm Change

    This past week has really been a wake-up call for me in terms of my midterm grades.  There are some classes that I feel I really excel in, and these classes I really enjoy.  However, there are some classes that I feel need extra time put in that is necessary for the second half of the semester.  I think that I have finally settled in and gotten a grip on what is necessary for me to do my best.  I also have changed my study habits and strategies, so hopefully my newly found confidence will help me make some changes happen over the course of the next few weeks.  I am glad that midterm week came, because this was necessary for me to assess myself, and make changes where needed.  I feel that I was very overwhelmed with work this first half, and didn’t always take the most time doing the most important things.  This will change, and I am looking forward to the challenge of doing better in the areas I feel I need to.  I also have set a small list of short-term goals, and this approach has me feeling less overwhelmed because I feel as though I accomplish something each day, rather than feeling like a goal is out of reach.  This approach seems to be working, and I already feel as though I am getting back on track once again. 

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