Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Major

     The major that I chose was exercise science.  There is a very interesting story behind how I came to choose this major.  During my junior year, my mother pressured me into starting to look for a direction for my future, and I definitely agreed.  This was the time that I began thinking about my own personal strengths and weaknesses and what types of things I enjoyed doing.  At the same time as this was happening I began going to open houses for college, and immediately at Southern the program struck me.  I knew that originally I didn’t want a desk job, I wanted something active, and therefore this major was the right fit for me.  Also, Professor Gary Morin was extremely knowledgeable and even allowed me to shadow him this past fall in his program.  This really impressed me and I really enjoyed taking part in researching the major before I just decided to do it.  I now feel the same way  I did as when I first found out about the major,  in that it is a lot of hard work, but fun, and fits who I am best.     

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