Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Goals

         I have several goals for next semester.  In terms of personal goals, I would definitely like to get my work situation back in order. My regular job is cutting hours due to the cold season, and I have been given an opportunity to work somewhere else new, and I am hoping that this all goes well so I have a stable job once again.  I also would like to keep myself motivated to stay in shape next semester.  I have a strong running routine that has taken a while to build up to, and now I can run a total of five miles before getting tired.  If it is possible, which I am confident it is, I would like to get up to seven miles.  I also want to start doing more volunteer work next semester, because it has always been something I enjoy doing, but was limited this semester due to the amount of adjust I needed to make, as well as the amount of time commuting and doing schoolwork. 
    Next semester I would also like to keep in touch with many of the people I met over the course of the semester.  I learned a great deal from them, in terms of study habits, and as a result have become much better at taking tests.  I would like to stay connected with these people because they have really influenced some positive changes to my life.  Additionally, I have really liked having these supportive people around, because without them, I cannot imagine how much rougher this semester could have been. I also would like to try and spend more time with a few of my close friends back in my hometown, because I haven’t had much time to a lot with them, and they have always been there for me, and they deserve to have me go out with them a few times to catch up about where we are right now, and how much we have grown since we graduated. 

        Not only that but I have many academic goals in addition to the others mentioned for next semester.  I would like to get no less than an “A” or a “B” in any of my classes.  This I know will be difficult, but I believe with the proper organization, and right attitude this is possible.  I also want to be prepared, and make sure I have steady study habits in the five classes I am taking, therefore avoiding the up and down issue I had with the six this semester.  I want to make sure that I start projects as soon as they are assigned to me, and use the sources available to make sure that I am giving them my all.  Once again, with the proper self-motivation, I believe that all of these goals are accomplishable. 

Semester Struggles

         This semester definitely revealed a lot of my own personal weaknesses. I at first found that I lacked a great deal of confidence when it came to doing something new, and out of my element. This I found really kept me at times from succeeding in things that really weren’t so difficult.  However, I really learned to take the initiative to overcome this, and as a result my grades improved, and my confidence did as well. I also found that I am not the best at managing my time.  I have mentioned on several occasions that I got myself into some deep trouble  because I was “all over the place” in terms of completing assignments, as well as having all of my necessities with me at all times.  As a result it required a lot of changes to be made to the way I got about taking on tasks, but also taught me a life-long lesson in the process.  One other difficulty I had was not understanding the reality of a heavy workload.  I really took on way too much as a freshman entering into my first semester, and this didn’t help when I was adjusting t so much change, but also helped me make the proper decisions for next semester.


Self- Assessment

       It is said by Grant Frazier, “Life is full of obstacle illusions.” This proves to be very true, in that we are all faced with different struggles in life, but they are merely false images of defeat.  We have the power within ourselves to overcome them, with a determined mindset to achieve a goal.  This is what I found of the reality of this semester, that times can be rough, but you can conquer through if you set your mind to it. 
           During the first part of the semester, I struggled to find ways to manage my time.  I found myself to be extremely disorganized, and could barely hand my assignments in on time. I didn’t always make the best decisions with what should be studied first, what paper should be written when, or when I should take time for myself.  It finally caught up with me when I realized that I couldn’t keep stressing about not completing assignments anymore.  This is when I realized that changes were necessary.  I started using a planner, and all of my assignments, as well as the amount of time it would need to complete them were logged in.  I also as a commuter needed to find a way to keep my car organized, so that papers were just shuffled together and lost.  Therefore I began using crates that were organized with file folders and gave each subject a designated section.  The use of post-it notes also became a necessity because I could jot down any important reminders that came along the way.  I also learned that by having this organization, my stress level began to lessen, and I also had a little bit more time for myself to rest.  This time-management I found to be a necessity for a college student, and I am glad that I learned my lesson early on, because I have learned what tools I need to stay organized, and therefore I have become more successful as a student.
            Upon beginning INQ this semester, at first I saw it as a class that was just a requirement that created a lot of busy work for me.  However I learned over the course of the semester that this was not the case, the course also helped me learn a lot about myself as well.  I would definitely stress that the class helped in terms of making goals for yourself, which doesn’t have to be a huge accomplishment.  For example, setting small goals for myself every week for the class helped me stay motivated. One of these would be completing the weekly required blog assignments much in advance of the due date. At first I would procrastinate, and stress about completing them on time for Saturday night. However I learned that if I finished them early in the week, I would feel like I had alleviated some of my workload, which in turn kept me positive.  This technique also worked in other classes as well, therefore giving me a lot more time to complete assignments, and receive better grades. 

        I also experienced a lot of struggle this semester in terms of grades as well.   I had always taken on a tough workload all throughout high school, so upon beginning college I was prepared to do the same thing right away.  However I learned that this isn’t always the best technique if you want to be a successful student.  I took the eighteen credits my first semester, as a commuter, and this created a lot of craziness that wasn’t necessary.  I learned that taken the five classes for next semester would be a better option, because I need time to put my best into my classes, and as a first year student making adjustments to a new environment, need this change to be made.  As previously mentioned I had a hard time adjusting to the workload of all the classes I took, mostly because of how much time is necessary for success in each class.  I chose to meet with my advisors, and talk about how I could improve my situation temporarily to improve my current grades, but also for next semester, and this proved to be a very helpful decision.  I’m glad that I decided to do this because I learned that I wasn’t the only freshman having a hard time, as well as how to change for future success. 
         This semester was also a huge wake up call for the use of critical skills that I never thought I had.  When we were first given our weekly “blogging” assignments, I have to admit that I panicked.  I had never had to approach something like this before, and I felt completely out of my element. At first I saw the blogs as merely a question and answer assignment, but learned there is so much more than this to blogging. I found that it is a way for a person to be creative with what they have to say, for example adding a quote or pictures to emphasize a personal point further.  I found the blogs to be more about creatively expressing yourself and in the end relatively easy.  It may appear somewhat ridiculous, but once the blogs became easier to write, it really boosted my confidence to take on other writing assignments without stressing so much about doing well.   I also found the blogs to be great idea because everyone in the class had a different answer that you could access.  I enjoyed reading other blogs because it made me want to do my own better upon reading everyone else’s. 
            It is also very apparent to just about every college student that it is necessary to find leadership skills to be successful. To be a leader, you need confidence, and INQ definitely challenged this ability throughout the semester.  We were first given campus safari assignments that made us do many things that at first I was afraid to do.  I was on a new campus and didn’t want to run around places for things, and I was at times afraid to go into places to complete the assignments.  However, I realized that at some point everyone is afraid to do something to avoid looking ridiculous.  I later saw that in the end, getting the nerve to do something worrisome is more a mental obstacle that when overcome boosts your confidence.  I learned taking a risk is the first step to achievement.   
          It is also true that I had been very used to having the same requirements every year for classes, and this lead to having a false image of proper expectations. In college I learned that a big part of success is not merely showing up for class and handing in work.  It is more about challenging yourself, and going above and beyond your normal limits to complete an assignment.  I feel that this was necessary to learn now, because this is how a person grows as a student, and more so as an individual.    I saw that you can’t limit yourself to the basic expectations; you need to reach beyond them.   Over the course of the semester I began to understand this, and stopped thinking that a grade was just “owed” to me for the little things, and began wanting to do more for myself to achieve a better grade. This was one of the greatest lesson I think I learned, in that I developed a different mindset when I go about completing an assignment, and as a result I feel I turn in more desirable assignments, and became a better student in the process. 

           One other feat I think I managed to accomplish during the course of the semester was to be open to difficult change.  This would definitely emphasize more the ideas of transitioning from high school to college, as well as acquiring leadership skills.  The class made us juggle many different tasks at the same time.  At the beginning this was very hard to do, and I would just say “this is too hard” or “I can’t believe I have to do this”.  This was merely self-defeat, and made things harder.  We were given tasks that made us run around in a minimal amount of time, and required a lot of thinking.  I hated having to be expected to do such challenging tasks, but now I feel like having to do something hard and accomplish it makes you more confident. I now don’t feel so scared when I teacher tells me that an assignment is going to require more than just an essay, but more self-application.  I have always been very stubborn, but I feel that this class really has done a good job to making me open to new tasks, and accomplishing rough challenges. 
      The class not only helped in terms of self-improvement, but also helped me learn much about the resources available to me as well.  We were required on several occasions to go to different locations to complete specific tasks, and this proved to be very useful. I met the people in the library that help me find resources when writing papers, and also where to go to help me get help when I want my papers revised.  This I now feel is critical for optimal success in college and not utilizing these resources is just silly.  I feel very fortunate now to have been required to go to these places and learn what each has to offer, for instance the health center, the library, the enrichment center, as well as my advisor. They all helped me in different ways over the course of the semester, and without being required to go to them would probably not  requirement proves to teach a student several important lessons about what it takes to be a successful individual, and I am proud to have made it this far this semester.  I have learned a lot about myself, and it has been a long, winding road, but I am confident I know how to change myself for success.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Best Group

      “The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it.”  ~Charles DeLint

             I have learned a lot more than I expected I would over the course of this semester from my “learning community”.  When I first began the semester I didn’t think I would become close with anyone from this group, simply because I am a commuter and I had so much stress going on from starting something new.  However, this view I would definitely say change, and for the better.  The beginning of the semester was very rough, and I was very unorganized and not living up to my own personal standards.  I then came to realize that the other students in our class were having similar issues, and I wasn’t alone. They were all having similar struggles adjusting to the new environment, and were more than supportive.  I enjoyed getting to know everyone’s personality, and seeing how unique everyone is.  In my town people aren’t very different from one another, so being able to have people with so many differences was very rewarding. I liked how we all got to know the campus together, and complete assignments, even though we were VERY stressed most of the time, as a group.  The people I got to know were a combination of humorous, hardworking, talented, and unique, all traits that I value in people.  It has been a long road this semester, but I can’t believe how much I have come to learn about myself over this long journey.  I will most definitely miss having these people in my classes next semester, and I am very confident that they all will be able to succeed after how I have come to see how confident, creative, and motivated they are. I wish them all the best and hope they get to accomplish the goals they set for themselves, because I know that they all can, if they believe in themselves. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Ideal Life

         There are several things I would like to acquire after I graduate from college.  I would like to be able to have a stable job, in the field that I choose, and enjoy doing it. It would be great to have that stability and know that my job wouldn’t be in jeopardy ever.  In addition to this I would want to be able to have the opportunity to move up in position as well, as in being rewarded for hard work, rather than stay in the same position over long periods of time.  I definitely want to be able to have my own house, and be able to support myself, as in paying my own bills. I immediately want to start paying off my college loans as soon as I graduate and get a job as well. It would be a great success if I would have the opportunity to work in a school, preferably close to where I live, because I know it is not always easy to find a job close to home. My overall goal is to be self-reliable, and no longer have to have my parents back me up anymore, this I feel is most necessary because at this time my two younger brothers will be beginning the process that I have just started. Therefore I want to be able to reduce the stress on my family, and this I feel will come in time.  I think that the dream of the “ideal life” can be made true by setting these goals.