Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Goals

         I have several goals for next semester.  In terms of personal goals, I would definitely like to get my work situation back in order. My regular job is cutting hours due to the cold season, and I have been given an opportunity to work somewhere else new, and I am hoping that this all goes well so I have a stable job once again.  I also would like to keep myself motivated to stay in shape next semester.  I have a strong running routine that has taken a while to build up to, and now I can run a total of five miles before getting tired.  If it is possible, which I am confident it is, I would like to get up to seven miles.  I also want to start doing more volunteer work next semester, because it has always been something I enjoy doing, but was limited this semester due to the amount of adjust I needed to make, as well as the amount of time commuting and doing schoolwork. 
    Next semester I would also like to keep in touch with many of the people I met over the course of the semester.  I learned a great deal from them, in terms of study habits, and as a result have become much better at taking tests.  I would like to stay connected with these people because they have really influenced some positive changes to my life.  Additionally, I have really liked having these supportive people around, because without them, I cannot imagine how much rougher this semester could have been. I also would like to try and spend more time with a few of my close friends back in my hometown, because I haven’t had much time to a lot with them, and they have always been there for me, and they deserve to have me go out with them a few times to catch up about where we are right now, and how much we have grown since we graduated. 

        Not only that but I have many academic goals in addition to the others mentioned for next semester.  I would like to get no less than an “A” or a “B” in any of my classes.  This I know will be difficult, but I believe with the proper organization, and right attitude this is possible.  I also want to be prepared, and make sure I have steady study habits in the five classes I am taking, therefore avoiding the up and down issue I had with the six this semester.  I want to make sure that I start projects as soon as they are assigned to me, and use the sources available to make sure that I am giving them my all.  Once again, with the proper self-motivation, I believe that all of these goals are accomplishable. 

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