Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Importance of Leadership

     It is true that at some point in everyone’s lifetime, they have to step up and be a leader.  This can be a strenuous task, but is essential in numerous situations to get a task done.  The leader is what guides the team, and without this mechanism, leaves them lost and unorganized.  I can remember a brief experience that I had to do just this. In the warmer months, my family volunteers a lot for our local baseball association and the competitive tournaments are held at the very end.  It is very difficult to find volunteers to work the snack bar, which funds most of the money for the organization. As for me, both of my parents are directors for the board, and devote uncountable hours to the volunteer work.  It was the very end of the season, and a full crew was scheduled to come help out for the day. It was the final stage of the competitions, and everyone knows that the money that is made during those games is crucial.  It was unfortunate that the crew didn’t show up, and the only people left to do the job was my dad and I.  My mother was away on business, and the baseball association couldn’t afford the loss, and my dad already had to do enough work out on the fields. I decided it was best that we get organized, set up a list of tasks, and try to sell as much as we could despite the disadvantage. I went myself and made all the food, and went around to all of the fields selling.  The weather was terribly hot, but people really appreciated the effort, and therefore spent the money knowing it was going to a good cause. I was extremely proud that day, knowing that despite the fact that nobody showed up to help we were still able to raise money with what we had, and that was the first time I literally had to think of other options, with money on the line.  This day I learned that you can’t always expect help, and that you have to work with what is thrown at you, because things happen unexpectedly. 

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