Saturday, November 27, 2010

Family Traditions

     It is true that everybody has a memory about food in their lives. We all have our own favorite meals that we enjoy, and one of the most special meals of the year is prepared on Thanksgiving.  I have seen that everyone’s “classic” Thanksgiving dinner is unique.  My family makes two turkeys: one that’s classically prepared in the oven and the other is prepared outside in my dad’s smoker.  This is exclusive I have seen to my family.  However, a close friend of mine described how his Italian grandparents prepare a turkey, but also lasagna and several other pasta dishes for the occasion.  I believe that this is what keeps family traditions going, having special takes on meals that differ family to family.  It is also a very big deal in my family to get up early and all of us help make the food in the morning.  This is something I will never forget because we all are tired and start arguing right away, but it is always funny later when we sit down to enjoy the meal that we all prepared together. 

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