Monday, November 15, 2010

The Necessary Changes

   I’m going to be very honest, when I say that this semester was difficult for me it is no joke.  I found that taking eighteen credits my first semester probably wasn’t the best decision, and learned some very strong lessons.  I found that after the first part of the semester was over, I was struggling to keep afloat, and didn’t know how I would be able to come back from the hole that I was stuck in.  However, at this point I took the initiative to meet with my advisors and reorganize myself immediately. I was so incredibly happy when I was able to sit down with some of the teachers whose classes I was struggling most in, and that I was able to figure out a new game plan to get myself back on track again and this was extremely beneficial.  It seemed at first that I really was stuck in the dark, but then the sun finally came out again. I reorganized every piece of my schoolwork, and began making lists for every day, so there was absolutely no confusion.  I also found myself to be not as stressed once this change was made, and had more time to complete assignments, that before I had no idea how to do.  I really learned what works best for me in terms of organization, and I’m glad I learned this lesson early, and have, made the necessary changes that will prevent me from having the same struggle in the future.

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