Thursday, September 30, 2010

Important Event

       I know that every week there are several events that take place on the campus at SCSU.  However, with my schedule, and the fact that I am a commuter makes it a struggle to take any more time to be away from home.  This is why the event that I attended that sticks out most to me was one that occurred over welcoming weekend.  I arrived at the campus to see people shuffling into the Lyman center, and I myself had no idea what was going on.  As I watched I realized that a comedian put on a show that was phenomenal.  She took on the roles of several different peoples’ backgrounds, and then she attempted to give us all some insight as to how we are all different but have one thing in common: that we would all be attending our first semester as SCSU together.  This is really the first time that true diversity was presented to me in such a matter.  This presentation definitely stuck out to me more than any others so far. 

Beginning the Project

        There are several different questions that I came to thinking about as soon as we were assigned the new project for INQ.  The first part was thinking about what topic I was going to choose, and then branching off from the topic would lead to several different questions to interview.  I chose “time management”, since this is something that I struggle with every week.  I plan to inquire people I interview about what strategies best work for them in terms of this topic, and if everyone’s plan is different.  I would also like to see if time management is more of a struggle for a commuter versus someone who lives on campus.  I happen to think that this is a bigger struggle for a commuter because all your necessary materials aren’t always within arm’s reach, and this is definitely a struggle for me.  It will be very interesting to see what other people’s thoughts are about this topic in the next upcoming week.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Start of a New Week

     I am anxiously awaiting the start of a new week at SCSU. I have to admit, that the first couple of weeks were definitely a challenge, from parking to organizing my time, I definitely needed to get myself together for the start of the new year. I since have bought myself a planner, and this has come in handy to post all of my upcoming due dates, as well as events that I need to be prepared for. This has helped very much with organizing my days. I also have gotten used to the way my schedule works, and things are starting to become easier in terms of starting the days off right. One other change I have since made would be that I get all of the things I need for the upcoming day together at night, and therefore my morning commute isn’t so stressful. This has been a big help, since the last couple of weeks I found myself struggling to have the necessary materials I need within reach at the right time. This week I have so much going on, and I have begun planning the tasks that will come first, and therefore it makes the anxiety level a bit lower at the beginning. I have my first couple of projects due, as well as some quizzes that will be coming my way, and will be sure to find time to be prepared for all of them. This week is sure to bring a lot my way!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Challenges

      There were several obstacles I faced in the first week of college. At the very start it was a challenge to be on time for classes due to the commute I had to endure with all the construction along the way. I also found it very challenging to find ways to balance my time. Time is crucial, and I value it a lot more now than I have ever before. It is common for me to be writing every event in my planner, as well as organizing my notes constantly throughout the day. I have never pushed myself so hard in a day before, in that on Tuesdays and Thursdays I start my day at five in the morning and don’t stop working until the late hours of the night. I now am learning more and more every day about time management, as well as what my priorities are. It also is very helpful that I plan long term what I will be working on, therefore I don’t find myself bombarded with work at the last minute. However, it has also been difficult adjusting to the new environment for a few reasons. For one, I am completely on my own, and am a good distance from my home every day now. This makes it difficult to predict when I will have time in my schedule to make the drive to be with my family. This is yet again another example of a time management responsibility. However, things are still settling in and I know that nothing worth accomplishing is ever easy.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Beginning at SCSU

For me, college opens up a whole new world to higher level thinking. I believe it is a time where thoughts and ideas are given room to grow, and critical thinking becomes more I important than ever before. When beginning college it is intimidating because you don’t know what to expect, but I think I will settle in just fine and realize that there are so many opportunities in front of me. I plan on taking the time to attend many important events for SCSU, including sporting events. I so far have been able to develop friendly relationships with people I have met, including some very welcoming professors. I know that at SCSU this will continue over the next few years, and more and more people will enter my life. I look forward to taking classes that will add more to the education I have already received, and know it will require a lot of work. In the future at SCSU I know that balancing my schedule will also be a challenge, but will be something I will have to learn to face. College will also be the place where I begin to handle things solely on my own, and I know that this will also be very difficult at first, but I will adjust over time. I am very excited about beginning something new in college, and I am anxious to see what the future brings me. I know every day I am learning something new and SCSU has already opened up several doors for me, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Ways to Describe Me

             There are several ways that I could be described. First, I would definitely say that one of my stronger traits would be my determination. I have always strived to accomplish more than i have previously, and this has always been something that helps me with my school career. The other characteristic that comes directly to mind would be that I am extremely loyal, and I have always felt that this was extremely important when it comes to trusting people in your life. I always make sure that I keep to my word because I can understand how it feels when other people don’t. Another word that depicts who I am would be ambitious, and I believe hard work is an important part of becoming who you want to be. I have always wanted to be better with everything that I do. One other way to demonstrate who I am would be honesty. This is also very important for several different reasons, most importantly so people can understand each other clearly. Honesty I believe is valued in the best people, and I hope most people realize this as well. The last word I would use to describe myself would be optimistic. It is important to always keep your head up at the end of the day, because there is always another one coming. I feel it is important to make the most of each day, and leave your mark while you are here. The right attitude is the first step to success.