Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Challenges

      There were several obstacles I faced in the first week of college. At the very start it was a challenge to be on time for classes due to the commute I had to endure with all the construction along the way. I also found it very challenging to find ways to balance my time. Time is crucial, and I value it a lot more now than I have ever before. It is common for me to be writing every event in my planner, as well as organizing my notes constantly throughout the day. I have never pushed myself so hard in a day before, in that on Tuesdays and Thursdays I start my day at five in the morning and don’t stop working until the late hours of the night. I now am learning more and more every day about time management, as well as what my priorities are. It also is very helpful that I plan long term what I will be working on, therefore I don’t find myself bombarded with work at the last minute. However, it has also been difficult adjusting to the new environment for a few reasons. For one, I am completely on my own, and am a good distance from my home every day now. This makes it difficult to predict when I will have time in my schedule to make the drive to be with my family. This is yet again another example of a time management responsibility. However, things are still settling in and I know that nothing worth accomplishing is ever easy.

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